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Mommy Makeover
reconstructive surgery after pregnancy

Mommy Makeover reconstructive surgery after pregnancy

Distended abdomen, empty and sagging breasts... despite a balanced diet and resuming physical activity after childbirth and breastfeeding, a woman's body can retain the sometimes unwanted stigmas of motherhood.

Today, it is possible to reduce or even eliminate in a single procedure the aftermath of pregnancy on the breasts and abdomen. The Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgical procedures specially designed to help moms regain their confidence and restore their appearance after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It's a complete transformation aimed at reviving beauty and celebrating the femininity of moms. In this article, we will explain what the Mommy Makeover is, the procedures that can be included, and the incredible results you can achieve.

Mommy Makeover details

Mommy Makeover

  • Prices

  • About

    Definition and Explanations About the Surgery

    Temporal Lift

    The Mommy Makeover is a customized combination of surgical procedures such as breast surgery, tummy tuck, and liposuction, tailored to the needs and goals of each mom. These procedures can help restore breast firmness, eliminate excess skin and fat from the abdomen, reshape the silhouette, and achieve a more youthful and toned appearance.

  • Generally, the mommy makeover targets:

    Breast restoration, most often through breast lifting; and sometimes by simple augmentation.

    Tummy repair, especially for stretch marks and pregnancy scars. The most common surgery applied is abdominoplasty with tightening of the abdominal muscles.

    Repair of localized fat deposits, most often with liposuction.

    In some cases, intimate surgeries can also be performed to rejuvenate relaxed labia or a vagina distended by childbirth. Requests for vaginal rejuvenation are greatly increasing.

  • Anesthesia

    The Mommy Makeover is performed under general anesthesia.

  • Duration of the Procedure

    The duration of the Mommy Makeover depends on the specific procedures you have chosen. Generally, it can take several hours, but the time spent in the operating room varies based on your individual needs. Your surgeon will provide a more precise estimate during your preoperative consultations.

  • Results

    The results of the Mommy Makeover are simply spectacular! You can expect to see a more toned figure, firmer breasts, and a smoother, flatter abdominal area. You will feel like an enhanced and more confident version of yourself. The compliments will pour in, and you will be thrilled to fully enjoy your mom life while looking sensational.

    Long-Term Maintenance

    To maintain the long-term results of your Mommy Makeover, it is important to follow the advice and recommendations of your surgeon. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, engage in a regular exercise routine, and follow a balanced diet. Take care of your body and mind, and continue to love and cherish yourself. Your transformation is a lasting gift, and you deserve to feel dazzling every day.

  • Recovery

    After your Mommy Makeover, you will have the opportunity to rest and recover. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed postoperative instructions on how to care for your incisions, medications to alleviate discomfort, and activities to avoid during the healing period. While everyone recovers at their own pace, you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can regain your vitality and energy.