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SRS Female to Male

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    Questi sono i criteri attuali per la chirurgia di riassegnazione sessuale da femmina a maschio (SRS) in Thailandia secondo il Consiglio Medico della Thailandia:

    1. Il paziente deve avere almeno 20 anni. Per i pazienti sotto i 20 anni, è necessario che i genitori legali o il tutore autorizzino l'intervento chirurgico.

    2. Il paziente deve aver assunto ormoni maschili in modo continuativo per almeno un anno.

    3. Il paziente deve avere sentimenti maschili da molto tempo o fin dai primi ricordi.

    4. Il paziente deve aver vissuto come uomo per almeno 1 anno.

    5. Il paziente deve provare disgusto per il proprio organo sessuale come se fosse una parte eccessiva del corpo.

    6. Il paziente ha sostenuto un test mentale ed è stato certificato da uno psichiatra come essere in uno stato mentale normale e adatto alla chirurgia di riassegnazione sessuale.

    7. Il paziente deve essere in buona condizione fisica.


  • A partire da 5 notti per la parte 1 e fino a 14 notti di ricovero per la parte 2.

    Sono necessari 3 tempi separati per eseguire l'intervento da Female to Male.

SRS Female to male - Phalloplasty ALT

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  • - Étape 1 : vaginectomie, allongement urétral et préfabrication avec 5 nuits d'hospitalisation et vous devez rester au moins 3 semaines

    - Étape 2 : Phalloplastie ALT et anastomose urétrale (connecter les urètres) avec une hospitalisation de 14 nuits et vous devez rester au moins 6-7 semaines

    - Étape 3 : Implant pénien et scrotoplastie = 336 000 THB avec une hospitalisation de 4 nuits et vous devez rester au moins 2 semaines

SRS FTM Phalloplasty Radial

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    Phalloplastie radiale de l'avant-bras

    - Etape 1 : vaginectomie, allongement urétral et préfabrication avec une hospitalisation de 5 nuits et vous devez rester au moins 3 semaines en Thaïlande

    - Etape 2 : Phalloplastie RF et anastomose urétrale (connecter les urètres) avec une hospitalisation de 14 nuits et vous devez rester au moins 6 à 7 semaines en Thaïlande

    - Étape 3 : Implant pénien et scrotoplastie avec une hospitalisation de 4 nuits et vous devez rester au moins 2 semaines en Thaïlande



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    For FTM (female-to-male) patients considering mastectomy, commonly referred to as "top surgery," several options exist:

    • Double Incision (DI) Mastectomy: This procedure involves making horizontal incisions under the pectoral muscles to remove breast tissue and excess skin. It's suitable for patients with larger breasts or who desire a more masculine chest contour.
    • Keyhole or Periareolar Mastectomy: Ideal for patients with smaller breasts and minimal excess skin, this technique involves making a small incision around the areola to remove breast tissue. It results in minimal scarring but is less suitable for larger breasts.
    • Buttonhole or Inverted-T Mastectomy: Combines aspects of DI and periareolar techniques, using a horizontal incision under the pectoral muscle and around the areola. It's beneficial for patients with moderate breast size and provides good nipple placement control.
    • T-Spine or T-anchor Mastectomy: Involves creating a T-shaped incision pattern, extending horizontally under the pectoral muscle and vertically down the chest midline. This technique allows for maximal skin and tissue removal, often chosen for patients with larger breasts.
    • Non-Binary or Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Some patients may opt for techniques that preserve some breast tissue to achieve a chest appearance that aligns with their gender identity without conforming strictly to traditional male or female chest characteristics.

    These options vary in terms of scarring, nipple sensation preservation, and suitability based on individual breast size and desired aesthetic outcomes. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon experienced in gender-affirming procedures is crucial to determine the most appropriate mastectomy approach based on personal goals and medical considerations.

  • Summary of Mastectomy Options for FTM Patients

    • Double Incision (DI) Mastectomy: Involves horizontal incisions under the pectoral muscles for larger breasts.
    • Keyhole or Periareolar Mastectomy: Small incision around the areola for minimal breast tissue and scarring.
    • Buttonhole or Inverted-T Mastectomy: Combines DI and periareolar techniques for moderate breast sizes.
    • T-Spine or T-anchor Mastectomy: T-shaped incision pattern for maximal tissue removal in larger breasts.
    • Non-Binary or Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Customized approach for chest appearance without strict male/female characteristics.

    Consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon is essential to choose the right mastectomy approach based on individual needs and goals.