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Miskawaan Health Group (MHG)
Stem Cells and Cancer treatments in Bangkok and Koh Samui

Miskawaan Health Group (MHG) Stem Cells and Cancer treatments in Bangkok and Koh Samui

Miskawaan Health Group (MHG)
Miskawaan Health Group (MHG)

Stem Cell and Cancer Specialist in Bangkok & Koh Samui, Miskawaan is at the forefront of functional medicine, Miskawaan Health Group (MHG) is your key to optimal health.

Strong points
  • Individualised approach
  • Unique treatments
  • Cutting edge medicine




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Gold partner

Miskawaan Health Group (MHG)

At the forefront of functional medicine, Miskawaan Health Group (MHG) is your key to optimal health.

As Dr. Johannes Wessolly, MHG co-founder and Chief Medical Director points out, your best doctor is your own body. You know when something feels right and when it doesn’t. This is why at MHG we listen intently to your take on your health. In doing this we ensure our curative approach doesn’t just get to the root cause of your illness but goes beyond to boosts your immune system. The aim is to position both mind and body for the best chances of recovery and for optimal health as you move on with life. If you understand your illness as a whole and the ways in which MGH’s therapies are
tailored to combat it, you automatically have a much greater sense of control. This is very important to the healing process because it promotes peace of mind, which in turn encourages an even faster recovery in the body.
Remember, your path to excellent health is a long-term journey, not a sprint. Whether your goal is preventative healthcare, enhancing athletic performance, disease support or simply improving your quality of life, our doctors can help you design a plan to achieve it.

“My doctors said, ‘We have to get your prostate out or you’ll be dead in 3 years.’ So, I talked to MHG... and I’m still here today!”

- Andrew Richardson

“Two years ago, I almost died from severe diabetes. My doctor said I might not survive. Then I turned to MHG.”

- Dr. Nimnual Piewthongngam

“Two-and-a-half years ago I visited my urologist in Hong Kong and a CT scan of my renal system revealed calcification on an organ. My urologist recommended surgery and MHG prepared me for the best possible outcome.”

- John Moore

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IV boosters

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What is Functional Medicine

  1. Traditional medicine is structured to manage symptoms. Functional medicine addresses the causes. Doctors will ask why a person is sick and try to understand if there are underlying dysfunctions causing a condition instead of simply masking its symptoms.
  2. Personalized health treatment plans. Understanding that every person is genetically and biochemically unique, functional medicine doctors believe that the traditional one size fits all approach does not work. Instead, a personalized health treatment plan is created considering a client's genetic, biochemical, environmental, and lifestyle factors targeting the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.
  3. Functional medicine interprets lab results differently. Rather than using standard care model guidelines to diagnose a client, functional medicine uses lab results to derive insights as to why a client is not at optimal health.
  4. Functional medicine often has more extensive testing. Doctors often run more extensive lab tests by looking at the full scope of a client's physiology. To look at underlying deficiencies, imbalances, infections, and dysfunctions, more comprehensive lab tests are needed.
  5. More one-on-one time with patients. At Miskawaan, we spend a minimum of 60 minutes for each client, opposed to the typical five to 10 minutes. Our doctors spend time listening to client histories and looking for interactions among genetic, environmental, hormonal, and lifestyle factors that can influence chronic inflammation and long-term health.
  6. Natural treatments. Functional medicine believes in the body's healing mechanisms and that natural treatments help the body heal. Chemical drugs have inherent side effects that are not adequately addressed by traditional doctors.