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Scalp Esthetik - SMP in Brussels

Scalp Esthetik
Scalp Esthetik

Scalp Hair Micro Pigmentation creates natural results for a well-groomed, more youthful appearance. The shaved effect of the SMP is perfect.

Strong points
  • Thin natural results
  • Affordable Pricing





Gold partner

Scalp Esthetik

Carmen Dragan, founder of Scalp Esthetik

Specialist in scalp dermopigmentation, SMP, and tricopigmentation

Hair transplant consultant

  • 10 years of experience as a patient coordinator and consultant for hair transplantation in Belgium and Switzerland with Dr. Christian Bisanga and Dr. Patrick Mwamba.
  • Trained in Italy by Milena Lardi in the art of tricopigmentation in 2017
  • Trained in the UK and US for permanent scalp micropigmentation in 2020

Extensive experience in managing hair loss in both men and women, capable of recommending the best solution for each individual. One solution does not fit all.

Impeccable estimates based on the patient's age, medication, family history of hair loss, long-term personal goals, and the current stage of baldness.

Passionate about hair micropigmentation, she creates natural results for a neat and younger appearance.

Clinic Pictures


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Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Result Video(s) - Scalp Esthetik

List of operations and prices - Scalp Esthetik