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Gastric Bypass
Obesity surgery and severe weightloss

Gastric Bypass Obesity surgery and severe weightloss

The objectives of a sleeve or bypass are of course an overall improvement in health, and even better life expectancy. Severe obesity is a serious factor in long-term poor health which shortens the life expectancy of patients and causes a whole series of serious pathologies which will reduce the comfort of life (diabetes, cardiovascular problems, etc.). ;

Gastric Bypass is an effective and proven surgical procedure for weight loss in people suffering from severe obesity. It helps reduce the size of the stomach and bypasses part of the small intestine, resulting in decreased caloric intake and altered nutrient absorption.

Patients are no longer hungry and weight loss is achieved in the months and years following the intervention. The risks of weight regain are extremely low in the long term.

Gastric Bypass details

Gastric Bypass

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  • About

    Définition of Bypass Gastric

    Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the stomach and modify the route of food through the digestive system, resulting in significant and lasting weight loss.

     ByPass surgery 


    The By-Pass procedure is a surgical technique which consists of bypassing a large part of the stomach and reducing it into a small gastric pouch, to reduce the quantity of food ingested and its assimilation by the body. Food goes directly to the middle part of the small intestine. The Bypass is a definitive anatomical modification

    The procedure can be performed using the colioscopy or laparoscopy surgery technique. This intervention is recommended for patients suffering from significant excess weight and unable to reduce it following several weight loss attempts.

    Bypass surgical procedure

    The Gastric Bypass procedure involves the creation of a small stomach pouch using staples or an adjustable band to separate this pouch from the rest of the stomach. Next, an anastomosis is performed to directly connect the stomach pouch to the small intestine, bypassing a large portion of the stomach and small intestine.

  • Who qualifies for Bypass surgery ?

    Gastric Bypass is recommended for people with a high body mass index (BMI) who have failed to lose weight significantly with other surgical or non-surgical methods. It is often considered an option when obesity poses health risks, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart problems.

    The By-pass is indicated in cases of severe or morbid obesity.

  • «ALT

    Anesthésia for Bypass

    The Gastric Bypass procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The anesthesiologist will ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

  • How long does the Bypass surgery take? 

    The duration of the Gastric Bypass procedure depends on the individual complexity of each case, but it can generally take 2 to 4 hours.

    Hospitalization of at least 3 to 4 nights is necessary in all cases.

    The exact hospitalization is to be determined with the doctor.

    Travellin for Bypass surgery ?

    The travel required will generally be 5 to 7 days on site in total. Once the risks of leaks are ruled out and verified, the patient can return to their country of origin.

  • What Weight Loss Can You Expect?

    The bypass can lead to significant weight loss. However, the exact amount of weight lost depends on several factors, including the patient's post-operative dietary habits, physical activity, and other medical considerations.

    Sleeve patients change their wardrobes

    Losing Dozens of Kilos Permanently

    Gastric bypass surgery leads to long-lasting and massive weight loss mainly because the stomach's ability to store food is almost annihilated. Patients may experience a quicker feeling of fullness, which leads them to consume less food. It's essential to note that gastrectomy is a serious surgical procedure, and the resulting weight loss should be closely monitored by healthcare professionals.

    Patients need to follow specific dietary recommendations and receive regular medical follow-up to ensure that weight loss is healthy and controlled. Since Bypass surgery is solely applied to severe obesity patients, the weightloss is always very important and accounted for in many dozens of kilos.

  • Bypass aftercare 

    The consequences are not very painful. Following the procedure, the patient must strictly respect the rules of food hygiene: Never drink during meals, take the time to chew food well, do not swallow too quickly. Liquid and pasty foods are recommended at the beginning. It is recommended not to exceed 3 meals per day and to avoid snacking. During the first two years after the operation, quarterly follow-up with a gastroenterologist is essential.

    La nutrition après la Sleeve

    Post-operative Advice

    • 1st week after the operation: liquid diet

    • 2nd week after the operation: blended diet

    • 3rd week after the operation: soft diet

    • 4th week after the operation: normal diet

    10 Rules to Follow in the First Weeks:

    1. Eat VERY slowly. Allow 30 to 45 minutes for a meal.

    2. Put SMALL amounts on the plate, cut into small pieces.

    3. Take small bites (about a teaspoon each).

    4. While chewing, mash your food into a puree.

    5. After swallowing a bite, wait for 20 seconds. This helps prevent vomiting.

    6. Carbonated beverages (water, sodas...) and effervescent medications are strictly prohibited in the first few weeks.

    7. Do not drink during meals, but wait 30 minutes before and after. Drinking during your meal can lead to vomiting.

    8. Stop eating at the first feeling of fullness. One bite too many can cause vomiting or stomach pain.

    9. In the evening, allow a 2-hour gap without eating or drinking before lying down to avoid nighttime reflux.

    10. Engage in regular physical activity! 30 minutes per day or 3 hours per week.

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