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Gastric Balloon Radical Weight Loss swallowable Balloon

The gastric balloon is a non-surgical procedure used for weight loss in individuals suffering from obesity. It is a popular method that can be performed abroad, providing an effective solution for patients seeking safe and affordable bariatric options.

Gastric Balloon

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    Definition of Gastric Balloon

    The gastric balloon is a medical device shaped like a balloon that is inserted into the patient's stomach endoscopically. It aims to reduce the stomach's capacity, creating an early satiety sensation and promoting weight loss.

    Once placed in the stomach, the remaining space for food is reduced. By occupying ¾ of the space with the balloon, the ghrelin levels increase as soon as the little food the patient ingests occupies the remaining quarter of the stomach. The amount of food is drastically reduced. Weight loss is sustainable and forces the patient to modify their eating behavior.

    With a gastric balloon, the patient can typically lose between 10 and 20 kilograms, depending on their body size, sometimes more. Most balloons need to be removed after a predetermined period, and the procedure is also outpatient and quick (approximately 30 minutes).

    Placing a Gastric Balloon

    What is a Gastric Balloon?

    The gastric balloon is, in fact, a balloon that is inserted into the stomach without surgery to occupy a part of it and allow weight loss through satiety and slowing down food transit. Diet can be re-evaluated, reduced, and re-educated to significantly reduce excess weight.

    The placement of the balloon does not require surgery (or minimally invasive surgery), so:

    • no surgery

    • no stitches

    • no scar

    The soft silicone balloon is inserted deflated, "endoscopically (through the mouth). Once in the stomach, it is filled with sterile saline solution (physiological serum), which is generally tinted with methylene blue, resulting in green urine as an indicator if it punctures. The liquid is introduced through a small filling tube (catheter) attached to the balloon, which will be removed once the balloon is filled.

    The gastric balloon is a means to help a person lose weight by eating less, but it must be integrated into a comprehensive program that includes nutritional advice, physical activity, and psychological support.

     Most silicone balloons are placed for 6 months or one year. At the end of 6 months or 1 year, you will need to come to have it removed, except for the dissolvable Elipse balloons.

    Different Types of Gastric Balloons

    • Liquid-filled intragastric balloon: This type of balloon is filled with a sterile saline solution.
    • Air-filled intragastric balloon: This type of balloon is filled with air. This type of balloon is becoming less common.

    Different Brands of Gastric Balloons

    • MEDSIL: 6-month balloon
    • ORBERA365: 12-month balloon
    • SPANTZ: 12-month balloon, and adjustable
    • ALLURION: Elipse, dissolvable and swallowable balloon.

    Procedure Overview

    The insertion of the gastric balloon is done endoscopically, meaning no surgical incision is required. Here are the main steps:

    1. Local anesthesia or mild sedation of the patient.
    2. Insertion of the balloon into the stomach through an endoscope.
    3. The balloon is filled with liquid or air once inside the stomach.
    4. Verification of the correct position of the balloon by medical imaging.
    5. The balloon remains in place for a predetermined period (usually 6 to 12 months).
    6. Removal of the balloon by endoscopy at the end of the treatment period.

    Materials Constituting the Gastric Balloon

    Gastric balloons are generally made of safe and biocompatible materials such as medical-grade silicone. These materials are designed to minimize the risk of allergic reactions or rejection by the body.

  • Specific Indication Compared to Other Bariatric Procedures

    The gastric balloon is generally recommended for patients with a high body mass index (BMI greater than 26) who have not been successful in losing weight with conventional methods such as diet and exercise. Compared to surgical bariatric procedures, the gastric balloon is reversible and does not require major surgery.

  • Anesthesia Options

    The insertion and removal of the gastric balloon can generally be done under local anesthesia or with light sedation. The choice of anesthesia will depend on the recommendations of the medical team and the patient's preferences.

    Sometimes, mild general anesthesia is offered, and other times, local anesthesia is sufficient.

  • Duration of Gastric Balloon Placement

    The insertion or removal of the gastric balloon is a relatively quick procedure, taking about 20 to 30 minutes.

    Traveling for a gastric balloon

    Getting a Gastric Balloon Abroad in 2 days

    To get a gastric balloon in another country, a 3-day, 2-night trip is sufficient.

    Day 1 arrival

    Day 2 balloon placement

    Day 3 Return to home country

  • Results of a Gastric Balloon

    What is the gastric balloon?

    The goal is to return to a normal BMI, which is a BMI between 18 and 24. The number of kilos lost will depend on your height.

    It is important to note that weight loss results vary from individual to individual and depend on many factors, including the patient's commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

    Steps to Have a Gastric Balloon

    It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to discuss the gastric balloon options that are best for you and to evaluate your weight loss goals.

    The amount of weight lost with a gastric balloon can vary from person to person and depends on several factors, such as lifestyle, commitment to a weight management program, eating habits, and physical exercise. In general, clinical studies have shown that patients who have used a gastric balloon were able to lose an average of between 10% and 15% of their total body weight.

    However, it is important to note that weight loss is not the sole goal of a gastric balloon. It also aims to help patients adopt new eating habits, learn better portion control, and modify their relationship with food. The gastric balloon acts as a supportive tool to promote weight loss and facilitate lifestyle changes.

    Success Statistics and Risks Associated with the Gastric Balloon

    Success statistics vary depending on the patient and their ability to follow medical recommendations regarding diet and physical exercise. Risks associated with the gastric balloon may include minor complications such as nausea, gastric reflux, or temporary ulcers, as well as rarer risks such as balloon migration or rupture.

  • Recovery and Medical Follow-Up

    A radiographic check will be done to verify the correct placement of the gastric balloon.

    A dietary regimen will be provided by the hospital's dietitian.

    Some patients may feel a little nauseous the day after, but this is usually temporary, and a return to a normal diet is immediate.

    Lifespan of Gastric Balloons

    Gastric balloons are designed to remain in place for a predetermined period, typically 6 to 12 months. It is important to adhere to this duration to avoid any risk of complications.

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6 months Gastric Balloon

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    6-month Gastric Balloon

    The 6-month gastric balloons are designed to provide temporary support in the weight loss process. Here are some features and popular brands of 6-month gastric balloons:

    Obalon Swallowable Balloon

    Obalon Gastric Balloon

    Obalon Gastric Balloon: Obalon is one of the most known brands for gastric balloons. Their balloon system involves swallowing capsules that contain silicone balloons. The capsules are swallowed under medical supervision, and the balloons are then inflated with air using a thin tube connected to an inflation device. The Obalon system typically includes three balloons, spaced over several weeks, lasting a total of six months.

    Elipse Balloon by Allurion

    Elipse Gastric Balloon

    Elipse Gastric Balloon: The Elipse system offers a swallowable gastric balloon in capsule form. Once in the stomach, the capsule is filled with saline solution using an external device. The balloon remains in place for about six months, after which it naturally dissolves and is naturally expelled from the body.

    Medsil Balloon

    MEDSIL Gastric Balloon

    Medsil Gastric Balloon: Medsil also offers a six-month gastric balloon. The balloon is filled with saline solution and is placed in the stomach endoscopically. After six months, the balloon is removed in the same manner it was inserted.

    These six-month gastric balloons are designed to provide temporary assistance as part of a weight loss program. They are typically used in combination with lifestyle changes, such as diet modifications and exercise, to help patients adopt better habits and lose weight.

    It's important to note that weight loss results vary from one individual to another and depend on many factors, including the patient's commitment to a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to consult a qualified health professional to discuss the gastric balloon options that are best suited for you and to assess your weight loss goals.

    Esthetic Planet's partner clinics offer gastric balloon services and can guide you in choosing the brand and duration of the balloon that best meets your needs.

12 months Gastric Balloon

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    Gastric balloons designed to last 12 months are intended to provide long-term support in the weight loss process. Here are some features and popular brands of 12-month gastric balloons:

    Orbera 12-month Balloon

    Orbera Gastric Balloon

    Orbera Gastric Balloon: Orbera is one of the most recognized brands of gastric balloons. Their 12-month gastric balloon is made of a soft silicone material and is filled with a saline solution. It's designed to occupy space in the stomach, allowing patients to feel full sooner and eat less.

    ReShape Double Balloon System

    ReShape Gastric Balloon

    ReShape Gastric Balloon: The ReShape balloon is actually a double balloon filled with tinted saline solution that is inserted into the stomach via an endoscope. Once inside, the balloon is filled to occupy part of the stomach space. This aims to reduce the stomach's capacity, helping the patient to feel full faster and eat less food.

    Spatz3 Adjustable Balloon

    Spatz3 Gastric Balloon

    Spatz3 Gastric Balloon: The uniqueness of Spatz3 lies in its ability to be adjusted after insertion. If a patient feels discomfort or if weight loss is unsatisfactory, the amount of saline inside the balloon can be increased or decreased. This is done using a special filling tube that remains in place after the initial insertion and is later removed. Spatz3 is an adjustable gastric balloon designed to last 12 months.

    These gastric balloons are typically placed endoscopically, meaning no surgery is required. The procedure is done under light anesthesia and can take about 20 to 30 minutes.

    It's important to note that gastric balloons are not a miracle solution for weight loss. They must be used in combination with a comprehensive weight management program, including dietary changes, exercise, and regular medical follow-up. Weight loss varies from person to person, but many patients have achieved significant results with 12-month gastric balloons.

    Before deciding to undergo a gastric balloon procedure, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to assess your needs and discuss the options that are best suited for you.

    Esthetic Planet partner clinics offer gastric balloon services and can help you make informed decisions based on your weight loss goals.

Swallowable Balloon Elipse

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    The Elipse Balloon by Allurion

    The Elipse balloon by Allurion

    A Balloon in a Pill

    The Elipse gastric balloon by Allurion is a medical device consisting of a soft and inflatable balloon that is placed in the stomach to create a sensation of fullness and facilitate weight loss. The balloon is swallowed in the form of a large pill and dissolves on its own.

    Quick Placement and No Balloon Removal

    The placement of the Allurion gastric balloon is a simple and non-surgical process. The balloon is ingested in the form of a capsule and is then inflated in the stomach using a saline solution. The procedure is performed under the supervision of healthcare professionals and does not require anesthesia.

  • The size of the balloon in swallowable pill form

    Indications for the Elipse balloon

    The Allurion gastric balloon is designed to assist those who are slightly overweight in losing weight non-surgically. It may be recommended to individuals who struggle with weight loss through conventional methods such as diet and exercise but do not wish to undergo surgical intervention. It's also used as a temporary aid to sustainable weight loss.

    No Anesthesia, Outpatient Procedure

    The placement of the Allurion gastric balloon does not require general or local anesthesia, making it a safer and more convenient option for patients. You will be awake during the procedure and monitored by a skilled medical team.

  • Duration of the Elipse Placement

    The placement of the Allurion gastric balloon is a swift process that can be completed in just a few minutes. You can return to your regular activities shortly after the procedure, with no extended recovery time.

  • Recovery after the Elipse Balloon

    Recovery after the placement of the Allurion gastric balloon is typically short. You may experience slight initial discomfort, but this will fade quickly. Your medical team will provide you with advice on dietary changes and necessary follow-up during this period.

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Orbera balloon

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    Orbera Gastric Balloon

    Orbera Gastric Balloon: Orbera is one of the most recognized brands of gastric balloons. Their gastric balloon is made of a soft silicone material and is filled with a saline solution. It is designed to occupy space in the stomach, allowing patients to feel early satiety and eat less.

    ORBERA365™ is one of the most used gastric balloon in the world, having helped thousands of people achieve their weight loss goals over the past 20 years.

    12-Month Placement

    Over a 12-month period, you will learn to modify your lifestyle and maintain your weight loss with the constant advice and support of our expert team.

Spatz3 Gastric Balloon

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    Understanding Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon

    The Spatz3 is a groundbreaking Adjustable Gastric Balloon, offering effective weight loss solutions and transforming your relationship with food.

    How Does Spatz3 Work?

    During a quick and non-invasive outpatient procedure lasting just 15 minutes, the Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon is implanted. There's no need for incisions or hospital stays, making it a convenient walk-in, walk-out treatment option.

    Key Features of Spatz3:

    • Customizable volume adjustment
    • Exceptional success rates
    • Non-surgical weight loss solution
    • Convenient walk-in, walk-out procedure

    Spatz3 Gastric Balloon: The unique feature of Spatz3 is its ability to be adjusted after insertion. If a patient experiences discomfort or if weight loss is not satisfactory, the amount of saline solution inside the balloon can be increased or decreased. This is done through a special filling tube that remains in place after the initial insertion and is then removed. Spatz3 is an adjustable gastric balloon with a duration of 12 months.

  • Spatz3 ballon ajustable

    Video Spatz